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What is Gua Sha?

Gua Sha massage is an ancient Chinese wellness practice dating back to the 14th Century, Ming Dynasty. The term “Gua Sha” means “to scrape disease or illness”. This self care massage technique involves scraping the surface of the skin to break up stagnant “chi” (energy) in the body by relieving muscle tension, flushing out toxins, and reducing inflammation. Typically, the massage stone, commonly referred to as a Gua Sha, is made from Black Obsidian (Bian) or natural jade stone.

Although Gua Sha massage was once used primarily as a body care treatment, it has since been adapted for facial massaging therapies. Widely recognised by beauty experts as a natural and effective facial lifting technique, gua sha facial massage involves gliding a stone using firm but gentle pressure over the surface of the skin. This motion increases blood flow to the skin and tissues, whilst sculpting the face by removing excess toxins and fluids via lymphatic drainage. The skin appears invigorated and lifted due to an increase in blood circulation, and facial muscles appear sculpted and relaxed

التسليم & المرتجعات

تقديم منتجاتك المفضلة ، أصبحنا شركاء مع الشركات الأكثر موثوقية. نحن على استعداد لتكليفهم بطلباتك ونحن دائما إلى جانبك إذا حدث خطأ ما.
سنكون سعداء لمساعدتك في عمليات الإرجاع المؤهلة ، مع تعليمات الإرجاع وعنوان إعادة الشحن. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى إرجاع أو استبدال ، فأرسل لنا بريدا إلكترونيا حتى نتمكن من مناقشة الاستبدال